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  • Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics
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Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics > TextBook

Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics 요약정보 및 구매

Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics

저자 : Stephen Bailey

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 32,000원
판매가격 30,000원
출판사 Taylor & Francis Ltd
발행일28 Jan 2020
ISBN 9780367280314
크기 188 x 246 x 18 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 734g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The third edition of Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics is written to help international students succeed in writing essays, reports and other papers for their English-language academic courses. Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect issues such as diversity and sustainability, this book is designed to let students and teachers easily find the help they need, both in the classroom and for self-study.

    The book is divided into five parts, comprising a total of 42 units:

    • The Writing Process
    • Elements of Writing
    • Language Issues
    • Vocabulary for Writing
    • Writing Models

    New topics in this edition include Writing in Groups, Written British and American English and Reflective Writing. In addition, the new interactive website has a full set of teaching notes as well as more challenging exercises, revision material and links to other sources. Additional features of the book include:

    • Models provided for writing tasks such as case studies and literature reviews
    • Use of authentic academic texts from a range of sources
    • Designed for self-study as well as classroom use
    • Useful at both undergraduate and postgraduate level
    • A complete set of answers to the practice exercises
    • Cross-references across all units

    Providing a glossary to explain technical terms and written to deal with the specific language issues faced by international students of Business and Economics, this practical, user-friendly book is an invaluable guide to academic writing in English.

    The third edition of Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics is written to help international students succeed in writing essays, reports and other papers for their English-language academic courses. Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect issues such as diversity and sustainability, this book is designed to let students and teachers easily find the help they need, both in the classroom and for self-study. The book is divided into five parts, comprising a total of 42 units:The Writing ProcessElements of WritingLanguage IssuesVocabulary for WritingWriting ModelsNew topics in this edition include Writing in Groups, Written British and American English and Reflective Writing.

    In addition, the new interactive website has a full set of teaching notes as well as more challenging exercises, revision material and links to other sources. Additional features of the book include:Models provided for writing tasks such as case studies and literature reviewsUse of authentic academic texts from a range of sourcesDesigned for self-study as well as classroom useUseful at both undergraduate and postgraduate levelA complete set of answers to the practice exercises Cross-references across all unitsProviding a glossary to explain technical terms and written to deal with the specific language issues faced by international students of Business and Economics, this practical, user-friendly book is an invaluable guide to academic writing in English. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Academic Writing for International Students of Business and Economics
