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Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits > TextBook

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  • Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits
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Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits > TextBook

Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Kun-Young Park,Dae Young Kwon,Ki Won Lee (엮은이)

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 100,000원
판매가격 95,000원
출판사 CRC Press
ISBN 9781498799652
페이지564 page
언어 ENG
무게 975g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Koreans believe the adage of food as medicine. Therefore, herbs or fruit ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon, adlay, mugwort, pomegranate, and ginseng are used for their therapeutic effects as much as cooking. This book provide information related to Korean functional food. It first describes the history and culture of Korean foods, and then compares Korean diet tables with other Asian countries and Western countries. Also, the book will cover detailed information of Korean functional foods such as kimchi, soybean products, ginseng, salt, oil and seeds. It also deals with its health benefits and processing methods, followed by rules and regulations related to its manufacture and sales.


    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    1. Korean Foods ? History, Culture, and Characteristics (Cherl Ho Lee) 

    2. Korean Diet Tables and Its Tastes (Dae Young Kwon) 

    3. Kimchi and Its Health Benefits (Kun Young Park and Jae Hyun Ju)

    4. Lactic Acid Bacteria of Kimchi (Hak Jong Choi, Jieun Lee and Ja Young Jang)

    5. Health Benefit Effects of Doenjang (Soybean Paste) and Kanjang (Soybean Sauce) (Kun Young Park and Eui Seong Park)

    6. History, Processing, and Health Benefits of Cheongkukjang (Sunmin Park and James W. Daily)

    7. Biological Functions and Traditional Therapeutic Uses of Kochujang (Red Pepper Paste) (Dae Young Kwon and Soon Hee Kim)

    8. Jeotgal (Fermented fishes), The Secret of Korean Seasonings (Ok Kyung Koo and Young Myoung Kim)

    9. Sikcho (Korean Vinegar) (Kwang Soon Shin and Hoon Kim)

    10. Korean Ginseng; Composition, Processing, and Its Health Benefits (Boo Yong Lee)

    11. Yangnyeom (Spices) and Its Health Benefits (Hye-Kyung Na and Young-Joon. Surh)

    12. Seed Oil (Sesame Seed, Perilla Seed) (Jae Hwan Lee, Mi Ja Kim and Mun Yhung Jung)

    13. Health Benefit Effects of Jukyeom (Bamboo Salt) (Hyung Min Kim, Jae Hyun Ju, Phil Dong Moon, Na Ra Han, Hyun Ja Jeong and Kun Young Park)

    14. Beneficial Effects of Cheonilyeom (A Mineral-Rich Solar Sea Salt Produced In Korea) In Health and Fermentation (Jeong Yong, Lily Jaiswal and Kyung Sik Ham)

    15. Korean Edible Seaweeds; A Source of Functional Compounds (Kalu Kapuge Asanka Sanjeewa, Hyun Soo Kim and You Jin Jeon)

    16. Namul, the Korean vegetable dish(Young Eun Lee)

    17. Bibimbap as a balanced one-dish meal (Youn Soo Cha)

    18. Korean Alcoholic Beverage: Makgeolli/ Yakju (Seok Tae Jeong, Han Seok Choi and Ji Eun Kang)

    19. Clinical Trials of Some Korean Functional Foods (Soo Wan Chae and Su Jin Jung)20. Functional Food Industry, Processing and Sanitation (Jin Hee Lee)

    21. Regulations of Korean Functional Foods (Ji Yeon Kim and Yeonkyung Lee)

    22. Future of Functional Foods in Korea (Ki Won Lee, Jong Hun Kim, Sanguine Byun and Jong Eun Kim)

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선택된 옵션

  • Korean Functional Foods: Composition, Processing and Health Benefits
