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경북대 관광 경제학 The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism > Kyung-Pook National Uni.

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  • 경북대 관광 경제학 The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
    경북대 관광 경제학 45,000
경북대 관광 경제학 The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism > Kyung-Pook National Uni.

경북대 관광 경제학 The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism 요약정보 및 구매

(Paperback, 5 New edition)

저자 : Tribe, John

판매가격 45,000원
출판사 Routledge
ISBN 9781138782310
크기 243.84 x 187.96
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    One of the leading texts in the field, The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism is the ideal introduction to the fundamentals of economics in these industries, helping you to pass an economics module as part of tourism, recreation, events or sport management degrees.

    It is written in an engaging style that assumes no prior knowledge of economics. It applies economic theory to a range of tourism industry issues at the consumer, business, national and international level by using topical examples to give the theory real-world context. This book is richly illustrated with diagrams, and contains a range of features such as international case studies showcasing current issues, review questions and extracts from journals to aid understanding and further knowledge, as well as new data and statistics.

    This fifth edition has been revised and updated to include:

    • New content on recent economic data, consumer choice looking at income-leisure decision approaches, growth areas of sports and events, environmental issues, the impact of the global economic crisis and what may happen in the future. Evidence is put forward to provide a sense of the dynamics of world economies.
    • Updated and new international case studies throughout that demonstrate theoretical principles of economics as applied to tourism
    • Updated companion website with PowerPoint slides


    One of the leading texts in the field, The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism is the ideal introduction to the fundamentals of economics in these industries, helping you to pass an economics module as part of tourism, recreation, events or sport management degrees.

    It is written in an engaging style that assumes no prior knowledge of economics. It applies economic theory to a range of tourism industry issues at the consumer, business, national and international level by using topical examples to give the theory real-world context. This book is richly illustrated with diagrams, and contains a range of features such as international case studies showcasing current issues, review questions and extracts from journals to aid understanding and further knowledge, as well as new data and statistics.

    This fifth edition has been revised and updated to include:

    • New content on recent economic data, consumer choice looking at income-leisure decision approaches, growth areas of sports and events, environmental issues, the impact of the global economic crisis and what may happen in the future. Evidence is put forward to provide a sense of the dynamics of world economies.
    • Updated and new international case studies throughout that demonstrate theoretical principles of economics as applied to tourism
    • Updated companion website with PowerPoint slides

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Contents Preface to the fifth edition 1. Introduction

    Part 1: Organizations and Markets 2. Recreation, leisure and tourism organizations 3. The market for recreation, leisure and tourism products  

    Part 2: Further Issues of Demand and Supply 4. Demand: time preference, elasticity and forecasting 5. Supply and costs 

    Part 3: Markets in Practice 6. Market structure and pricing 7. Market intervention 

    Part 4: The External Operating Environment  8. The competitive, technological, political and sociocultural environment 9. The economic environment  

    Part 5: Investment  10. Investment in the private sector 11. Investment in the public sector  

    Part 6: Economic Impacts 12. Income, employment and prices 13. Economic development and regeneration 

    Part 7: The Global Economy  14. The balance of payments and exchange rates  15. Globalization Part 8 Environmental Economics  16. Environmental impacts  17. Action for sustainability  18. Critique, alternative perspectives and change Bibliography Index   

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